

While this tool can be run by installing the dependent Python3 modules to your local machine, it is design so you can install Docker and run the tool inside a container. The goal is to prevent issues with differing Python 2 & 3 versions, as well as possible dependency issues.

You can install Docker to your local machine by clicking this link.


For ease of operation, this is a Makefile driven project. Once you’ve installed Docker, type the command make to show the options available.

user@host: ~ 🐦  make
clean                Cleanup all the things
docker               build docker container for testing
docs                 Generate documentation
python               setup python3
test                 run tests in container

Use the command `make docker` to set up the container.

Running Scans

To run the detail and summary reports for a domain, change to the /app/assassin directory and run the tool.

user@host: ~ 🐦  make docker
Successfully built f591a2044610
Successfully tagged docker_assassin:latest
root@assassin:/app# cd assassin
root@assassin:/app/assassin# python assassin.py --domain paloaltonetworks.com

If you do not pass the –domain flag you will be prompted to manually enter a domain.

root@assassin:/app/assassin# python assassin.py
Signatures loaded
What domain would you like to search ? paloaltonetworks.com


The tool is configured to write a log file to /var/log/secops/assassin.log. See the troubleshooting section for more details.