Assasin Local Dev Env


Test cases are located in the /test folder. Test-specific Python3 modules, to be installed in the docker container are listed in /requirements-test.txt. This includes the tox and coverage modules. The Dockerfile specifies a recent version of Python 3.x.

Disable Global Protect

If the operator runs the tool with Global Protect enabled, the Shodan portion of the tool is blocked as described in the troubleshooting section.

  • The console will show HTTP 503 errors.
  • The report output will be incomplete.

Running Test Suite Manually

Use the Makefile options to start the Docker container and execute the test suite.

make docker
make test

You should run the command docker system prune occasionally to free up space on your filesystem.

Automated Testing

The file /.github/workflows/python.yml is the CI test configuration for GitHub Actions. This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python (currently 3.8).

Test runs can be viewed (and reviewed for Pull Request errors) by clicking this link.